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Liegums personai izceļot no valsts draudu novēršanas nolūkā: tiesiskā regulējuma pamatojums un īstenošanas aspekti

Prohibition on Leaving National Territory to Prevent Threats: Justification of the Legal Framework and Implementation Aspects

Ērika Krutova, Dr. iur.
Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes vieslektore,
Valsts policijas koledžas docente

Since joining the European Union and the Schengen Area, the national legal framework has been supplemented by provisions, whose neccessity has not always been sufficiently discussed and understood by the executive. Both legislative amendments and new regulations in the national framework were needed in order to implement the requirements of Regulation 2018/1862 of the European Union.
The aim of this publication is to raise awareness of law enforcement officials about the right to prevent a vulnerable person from leaving the Republic of Latvia by examining the nature of alerts that can be placed in the Schengen Information System on vulnerable persons who should be prevented from travelling, assessing the need for the alert, decision-making procedures and criteria.
The main conclusion of the study is that alerts on vulnerable persons who should be prevented from travelling should be perceived as a tool to guarantee the protection of the area of freedom, security and justice. At the same time, it notes that decisions on exit bans affect individuals and society as a whole, as well as human rights.

Atslēgvārdi: Šengenas informācijas sistēma, policijas sadarbība, neaizsargātā persona, izceļošanas aizliegums

Keywords: Schengen Information System, police cooperation, vulnerable person, exit ban

Likumdošana un tās rezultāts Latvijā: pagātnes mācības, mūsdienu tendences, problēmas un risinājumi. Latvijas Universitātes 82. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences tiesību zinātnes rakstu krājums = Legislation and Its Outcome in Latvia: Lessons from the Past, Current Trends, Problems and Solutions. Legal Science Proceedings of the 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2024. 396 lpp.