| 114-123 | PDF

Mantojuma atraušana necienīgām personām

Forfeiture of Inheritance from Unworthy Persons

Alise Reide, Mg. iur.
Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes doktorante, 
Civiltiesisko zinātņu katedras lektore

According to Article 824 of the Latvian Civil Law the inheritance as well as the legacy shall be forfeited from a person due to his or her unworthiness. Therefore, the article explores forfeiture of inheritance from unworthy persons by analysing the main legal grounds for forfeiture of the inheritance, distinguishing forfeiture from disinheritance, exploring the procedure and limitation period for this claim, as well as examining the legal consequences of forfeiture of the inheritance on the basis of unworthiness.

Atslēgvārdi: mantojums, mantojuma atraušana, necienīgs mantinieks, atkrišana no mantojuma, atstumšana no mantojuma

Keywords: inheritance, forfeiture of inheritance, unworthy heir, fail of inheritance, exclusion from inheritance

Likumdošana un tās rezultāts Latvijā: pagātnes mācības, mūsdienu tendences, problēmas un risinājumi. Latvijas Universitātes 82. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences tiesību zinātnes rakstu krājums = Legislation and Its Outcome in Latvia: Lessons from the Past, Current Trends, Problems and Solutions. Legal Science Proceedings of the 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2024. 396 lpp.