| 136-146 | PDF
Inga Gaugere
Mg., LU doktorante
Iesākšanas potencialitāte: Hanna Ārente par piedzimšanu
Atslēgvārdi: Ārente, piedzimšana, rīcība, pasaule, principium, initium
The Potentiality of Beginning: Hannah Arendt on Natality
Keywords: Arendt, natality, action, world, principium, initium.
This essay delves into concept of natality in Hannah Arendt’s philosophy, examining its multifaced dimensions. Natality is one of six human conditions which Arendt formulated in her opus magnum, “The Human Condition” (1958). Natality, as elucidated by Arendt, encompasses existential, transcendental, political and theoretical dimensions. The essay begins by highlighting natality’s existential significance and explores its transcendental features, particularly its attributes ‒ principium and initium ‒ revealing its role in instigating novelty and renewal within human affairs. Moreover, the essay examines Arendt’s notion of a “second birth” in the political realm, where natality illuminates itself in human freedom and ability to act and change the world of human affairs. Finally, the phenomena of natality are explained in the realm of thought through human will and birth in nunc stanc, the endless and timeless world of thought.
Uz zināmā un nezināmā robežas. Sast., zin. red. I. Kivle, R. Bičevskis. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2024. 184. lpp.