| 124-134 | PDF

Linda Gediņa
Dr. phil., neatkarīgā pētniece

Hermeneitiskās fenomenoloģijas metode literatūras interpretācijai. Mākslas darba būtība un izklāsts

Atslēgvārdi: hermeneitiskā fenomenoloģija, Heidegers, klātesamības laiciskums, anticipācijas topogrāfija interpretācijai autora mākslas darbā, mākslas darba būtība, filozofiskā hermeneitika, Gādamers

The Method of Hermeneutic Phenomenology for Interpretation of Literature. Nature and Presentation of Artwork

Keywords: hermeneutic phenomenology, Heidegger, temporality of presence, topography of anticipation for interpretation in author’s artwork, essence of artwork, philosophical hermeneutics, Gadamer.


The phenomenology of literature is concerned with the perception of how time and space are shaped and modelled in a literary work. 

Literary interpretation, on the other hand, analyses the methods, means and tools whereby a text or work becomes a literary work of art and the insights that can be drawn from it.

A hermeneutic-phenomenological analysis of a text is both an outline ‒ that is, a topography of the temporal space of a given work and the tools used to achieve it ‒ as well as situating of a given work and the employed tools in the context of a literary, cultural and interpretive tradition. 

In this essay, I will focus primarily on Heidegger’s insights and strategies for interpreting various poems, and I will consider them in the context of Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics. 

The known/unknown boundary in this case is a brief outline of a method by which to discover hidden, perhaps not immediately discernible meanings and significations in a text. 

Uz zināmā un nezināmā robežas. Sast., zin. red. I. Kivle, R. Bičevskis. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2024. 184. lpp.