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Raivis Bičevskis
Dr. phil., LU Humanitāro zinātņu fakultātes Filozofijas un ētikas nodaļas vadītājs, tenūrprofesors sociālajā filosofijā, Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmijas īstenais loceklis
“Ironija ir mūžīgas agilitātes, bezgalīgi pārpilna haosa skaidra apzināšanās”. Romantisma ironijas izpratne Frīdriha Šlēgela tekstos
Atslēgvārdi: Frīdrihs Šlēgels, romantisms, ironija, filozofija, īstenība
“Irony is a clear consciousness of an eternal agility, of the infinitely abundant chaos”: Understanding of Romantic
Irony in the Texts of Friedrich Schlegel
Keywords: Friedrich Schlegel, Romanticism, irony, philosophy, reality.
Romanticism ‒ both in its national versions and as a European movement ‒ is in a paradoxical relationship with tradition. The Enlightenment ‒ at least, in the case of some important areas of the cultural parade ‒ broke the ties with the pre-modern world; Romanticism, on the other hand, rediscovered the ancient and pre-modern world, but only thanks to the Enlightenment. The Romanticists returned to ancient elements, however, no longer following them as models, but creatively and meta-reflexively giving them a different meaning and granting the meaning anew. One of these experiments of Romantic thought and scope of the world is the concept of irony. It can be claimed that the irony, which Romanticism and especially Friedrich Schlegel advocates in the texts, embodies the very essence of the Romantic experiment. Romantic irony reveals Romanticism simultaneously as an articulation and critique of modernity. Irony is a way to “preserve the secret of the world” (Novalis) under the preoccupation of modern socio-political ideologies and philosophies of history with the goals and tasks of humanity.
Uz zināmā un nezināmā robežas. Sast., zin. red. I. Kivle, R. Bičevskis. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2024. 184. lpp.