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Māris Kūlis
Dr. phil., LU Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūta vadošais pētnieks, zinātniskās padomes loceklis un filozofijas promocijas padomes sekretārs
Sabiedriskās patiesības: prāts un neprāts, kolektīvās zināšanas un sabiedrības kopība
Atslēgvārdi: veselais saprāts, politika, saliedētība, sabiedrība, patiesība, meli
Public Truths: Reason and Madness, Collective Knowledge and Social Cohesion
Keywords: common sense, politics, social cohesion, society, truth, lies.
This paper delves into the intricate dynamics of societal truths, straddling the complex interface between rationality and irrationality, collective knowledge, and the cohesion within society. The paper explores the multifaceted nature of public truths, emphasizing their evolution and manifestation within the social framework that underpins collective thought and action. The discussion pivots around the concept of common sense, not merely as a pragmatic heuristic but as a fundamental societal force that shapes and is shaped by collective beliefs and the broader political and social milieu. It is argued that societal truths are not static artifacts of knowledge but are dynamically negotiated through the continuous interplay of societal forces that govern public discourse. These truths are portrayed as both products and processes ‒ constructed through collective engagement and serving as the bedrock for further social interaction and political decision-making. The analysis extends to the political arena, where the propagation and manipulation of truths can both unify and divide communities, reflecting the dual nature of truth as both a cohesive agent and a potential source of discord. The paper presents an examination of how media, education, and political institutions shape societal truths, highlighting the importance of understanding these dynamics to encourage more intentional management of public knowledge and cohesion. By integrating theoretical insights with practical observations, the paper contributes to the broader discourse on knowledge, power, and social structure, offering perspectives on how truths are woven into the fabric of everyday life. The author calls for a re-evaluation of the assumptions underlying common sense and societal truths.
Uz zināmā un nezināmā robežas. Sast., zin. red. I. Kivle, R. Bičevskis. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2024. 184. lpp.