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Anita Rodiņa, Dr. iur.
Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes asoc. profesore

Nākotnē sagaidāms aizskārums konstitucionālajā sūdzībā: attīstība, saturs, problemātika

Violation of the Fundamental Rights in Constitutional Complaint: Development, Content, Problems

Atslēgvārdi: konstitucionālā sūdzība, aizskārums, nākotnē sagaidāms aizskārums

Key words: constitutional complaint, violation, future violation

The article analyses violation of fundamental rights, focusing on one of its forms – future violation.
It is explained that a constitutional complaint where a future violation is determined must be regarded as an exception. The basic form of violation in a constitutional complaint is an existing violation.
The author concludes that the essence of the future violation is to create opportunities for the protection of rights for those who have an active and real interest in it. Future violation should be examined in the context of the concept of an active defender of fundamental rights.
It is noted that in cases where the contested norm does not allow a person to obtain a legal status which he or she wishes to obtain, the violation usually is an existing one. It is argued and explained, using recent case law, that in the Constitutional Court’s process it is possible to reassess the form of the violation – from future to existing one. However, in such a situation, proceedings can be terminated, if other requirements of the constitutional complaint are not met. Article also points out that if the situation requires decisions to be taken now which have negative consequences for a person, in spite of the fact that the contested norm which contains the restriction will come into force after several years, in such a situation a violation may be an existing one. In other words, not in all the situations when the challenged norm is not into effect, a violation will always be expected in the future.

Brīvības robežu pārskatīšana, dzīvojot apdraudējumu apstākļos. I. Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes 9. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences rakstu krājums = Revisiting the Limits of Freedom While Living Under Threat. I. The first collection of research papers in conjunction with the 9th International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2024. 312 lpp.