Media and Society, 2022. Proceedings of Scientific Papers = Mediji un sabiedrība, 2022. Rakstu krājums.
Riga, University of Latvia, 2023. 173 p.
ISBN 978-9934-18-959-3
The publication has been prepared with the support of the project “Risks to Democracy Caused by Disinformation and Conspiracy: Reviewing the Latvian Experience” (lzp-2019/1-0278) of Fundamental and Applied Project Programme funded by the Latvian Council of Science
Vita Zelče, University of Latvia, Latvia
Laura Ardava-Āboliņa, University of Latvia, Latvia
Solvita Denisa-Liepniece, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Latvia
Klinta Ločmele, University of Latvia, Latvia
Sergii Pakhomenko, University of Latvia, Latvia/Mariupol State University, Ukraine
Andris Strautmanis, University of Wisconsin-River Falls, USA
Viesturs Zanders, University of Latvia, Latvia
Marita Zitmane, University of Latvia, Latvia
Publisher: University of Latvia Press
Layout: Baiba Lazdiņa
Translator and proof editor: Andra Damberga
© University of Latvia, 2023
Daira Āboliņa. Television-Commissioned Films in the History of the Riga Film Studio. Cinematic Language and Genesis of Stylistics
Māra Birzniece. Censorship and Self-Censorship in the Letters of Salaspils Camp Prisoners
Santa Darģe. Impact of Personality Traits on Information Literacy During Crisis
Evita Feldentāle. The Image of Latvia in the Eyes of Children Born in Displacement: The Example of Mass Deportations of 1941 and 1949
Oskars Gruziņš. Fearing the Memory of Father: The Impact of Biological Origins on the Life Course of Latvian ‘Third Reich’ Children Born of War
Svjatoslavs Kotovs. Oncological Disease Narrative: Analysis of Masculinity Aspect in Men’s Experience Stories
Elza Lāma. ‘Intensive Mothering’ Discourse in Narratives Pro and Against ‘Daddy Quota’ in Latvia
Skaidrīte Lasmane. The Ambiguity of Public Cynicism in Democracy
Ilze Matīse-Van Houtana. Attitudes and Opinions of Veterinary Professionals About Covid-19 Infection and Vaccination Against It
Mārtiņš Pričins. Misinformation and Information Manipulation in Pre-Election Messages of Candidates from Latvian Political Parties
Zane Radzobe. ‘Alternative Knowledge’ in Latvian Culture: Roots and Contexts
Ojārs Skudra. Political Communication Culture of Political Journalists Representing the Press in Unstable Democracy of Latvia. 2021–2022
Viktorija Tkačenko. Dual Minorities: Narratives of Russian-Speaking You thof the Latvian LGBTQ+ Community
Marija Vorkule. Impact of the Type of a Post on the Engagement Rate of It
Viesturs Zanders. Soviet Disinformation and Latvian Diaspora After World War II
Vita Zelče. Information Warfare and Disinformation: The Example of the Occupation of Latvia in June of 1940
Marita Zitmane. Gender Equality Topics on the Social Media Platform Twitter in 2021