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Tiesību normu iztulkošanas metožu nozīme koruptīvo noziegumu sastāvu satura noskaidrošanā
The Role of Legal Interpretation Methods in Clarification of the Content of Corruption Crimes
Māris Leja, Dr. iur. cand.
Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes doktorants
The article addresses the question at what point in time a request for a bribe and an offer of a bribe is deemed to be accomplished, if it is made to the addressee by means of an electronic mail message with the relevant content or passed on to an intermediary for transmission to the opposite party, i. e., is it completed at the moment of sending the electronic mail message (respectively, at the moment when the relevant communication is made to the intermediary) or at the moment when the addressee has read the message (respectively, when the intermediary has passed the information on to the opposite party)?
Using all the methods of interpretation, the author finds that, while it is possible to find arguments in support of both interpretations, the arguments in favour of a later moment of completion are more convincing.
Atslēgvārdi: tiesību normu iztulkošana, kukuļa pieprasīšana un piedāvāšana, nozieguma mēģinājuma un pabeigta nozieguma norobežošana
Keywords: interpretation of the law, soliciting and offering a bribe, demarcation between attempted and completed crime
Tiesību ierobežojumu pieļaujamība un attaisnojamība demokrātiskā tiesiskā valstī. Latvijas Universitātes 81. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences tiesību zinātnes rakstu krājums = Admissibility and Justifiability of Restrictions of Rights in a Democratic State Governed by the Rule of Law. Article collection in legal science, the 81st international scientific conference of the University of Latvia. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2023. 432 lpp.