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Garīdznieka grēksūdzes noslēpums kā kriminālprocesuāli aizsargājamais profesionālais noslēpums

The Secret of Confession to a Priest as a Professional Secret Protected in Criminal Proceedings

Nikola Salniņa, Bc. iur.
Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes maģistrante

In her bachelor’s thesis, the author analyses the scope and importance of the secret of the confession to a priest as a professional secret protected in criminal proceedings, as well as its possible conflicts with the effective implementation of the criminal procedure. The purpose is to research the extent to which the secret of the confession to priest is absolute and justified in criminal proceedings, in addition to raising the issues regarding the improvement of the legal regulation. As a result of the research, the author formulates conclusions concerning the scope and importance of the secret of the confession to a priest as a professional secret protected in criminal proceedings, offering proposals for improvement of the legal regulation.

Atslēgvārdi: grēksūdze, pastorālā saruna, grēksūdzes noslēpums, profesionālais noslēpums, kriminālprocesuālā imunitāte

Keywords: confession, pastoral conversation, secret of confession, professional secret, criminal procedural immunity

Likumdošana un tās rezultāts Latvijā: pagātnes mācības, mūsdienu tendences, problēmas un risinājumi. Latvijas Universitātes 82. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences tiesību zinātnes rakstu krājums = Legislation and Its Outcome in Latvia: Lessons from the Past, Current Trends, Problems and Solutions. Legal Science Proceedings of the 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2024. 396 lpp.