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Ineta Kivle
Dr. phil., LU vadošā pētniece ideju vēsturē, pētniecības sērijas phronesis, praxis, paideia izveidotāja un vadītāja
Kā tas ir, kad zināšana ir nezināšana?
Atslēgvārdi: Sokrats, Kūzu Nikolajs, jēgpilna pasaule, Hermanis Hese, robežsituācijas, Karls Jaspers, Edmunds Huserls
Philosophical Essay: How Is It That Knowing Is Not-Knowing?
Keywords: Socrates, Nicholas of Cusa, meaningful world, Herman Hesse, ultimative Situations, Karl Jaspers, Edmund Husserl, knowing and knowledge.
The border between the known and the unknown is always different ‒ rational, existential, and mathematical ‒ but in all cases it reveals human aims, choices and abilities, where the dynamics of the known and the unknown begin. This philosophical essay views four fragments from different philosophical approaches: Socratic questioning, intended to approach true knowledge and knowing, the examples of existential and ultimate situations exploring cognitions of Karl Jaspers and Herman Hesse, the known world as a meaningful horizon in Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology, mathematical methods for understanding of being and infinity by Nicholas of Cusa.
These different fragments of thoughts show that the known-unknown boundary is a universal order of life, which means something different to each thinker and manifests itself differently for each of us. It is impossible to have one limit of knowledge applicable to all people and all situations ‒ every person and each philosophy has its own. Nevertheless, everyone could find oneself on the edge of the known and the unknown and experience the “magic” and joy of discovering new knowledge.
Uz zināmā un nezināmā robežas. Sast., zin. red. I. Kivle, R. Bičevskis. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2024. 184. lpp.