| 97-108 | PDF

Sanita Osipova, Dr. iur., Professor
Faculty of Law, University of Latvia, Latvia

Correlation Between Expanding the Limits of Personal Freedom and the Risks of Social Exclusion: Freedom of Expression as an Example

Key words: freedom of expression, the risks of social exclusion, information society, fundamental rights

One of the most essential fundamental human rights is the freedom of expression. The progress of science, first and foremost – the development in information technologies, gives contemporary society new possibilities for communication, and the development of fundamental and human rights continues to expand the limits of the freedom of expression. It is the growing importance of the digital environment in communication, turning into the main space of societal communication, that creates the risk of exclusion for some social groups: persons in need, partly – persons with special needs, and seniors. The state has the obligation to be aware of this risk of social exclusion with respect to the very essential fundamental right to the freedom of expression, and develop a policy to prevent it.

The current paper has been published in the second collection of research papers in conjunction with the 9th International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia “Revisiting the Limits of Freedom While Living Under Threat. II”, 9–10 November 2023. Riga: University of Latvia Press, 2024. 232 pages.