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Johanas Baltrimas, Dr. iur.
Vilnius University, Lithuania

Permissibility of Referendums: Lithuanian Case in the Context of Political Theories

Key words: referendum, constitutional law, legal theory

Referendums are a direct manifestation of the sovereign power of the People. However, the rule of law raises certain procedural and material requirements for referendums. They are enforced by the courts, and their power not to permit a referendum provokes deep questions regarding the concept of democracy. In Aristotle’s theory, certain foundations for this model can be found, along with potential criteria for maintaining a proportionate balance between authority of the courts and the will of the People.

The current paper has been published in the second collection of research papers in conjunction with the 9th International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia “Revisiting the Limits of Freedom While Living Under Threat. II”, 9–10 November 2023. Riga: University of Latvia Press, 2024. 232 pages.