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Konstitūcijas tiešas piemērojamības princips

The Principle of Direct Application of Constitution

Jānis Pleps, Dr. iur.
Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes Tiesību teorijas un vēstures katedras docents

The direct application of the Constitution is the very essence of the concept of the Constitution in the Western legal tradition. The Constitution is a real and enforceable legal act with the highest legal force, which is binding for everyone in the legal system.
The principle of the direct application of the Constitution is reflected in the Central and Eastern Europe after the collapse of socialistic and Soviet regimes. Here, it was necessary to even formulate it as a written constitutional provision for ensuring of supremacy of the Constitution and rule of law.
In case of Latvia, the direct application of the Constitution is self-evident and respected in the legal system. The Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court in few cases have formulated a strict obligation to ensure a direct application of the Constitution and especially the fundamental rights and freedoms.

Atslēgvārdi: konstitūcija, konstitūcijas tieša piemērojamība, Rietumu tiesību tradīcija, demokrātiska tiesiska valsts

Keywords: Constitution, direct application of the Constitution, Western legal tradition, democratic state based on rule of law