| 262-269 | PDF

Tiešuma jēdzieniskā izpratne un nozīme kriminālprocesā

The Understanding of the Concept of Immediacy and Its Role in Criminal Proceedings

Ērika Gribonika, Mg. iur.
Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes doktora studiju programmas “Tiesību zinātne” studente

The principle of immediacy falls within the scope of the right to a fair trial. It is specific only to the trial stage of criminal proceedings and is considered as one of the guiding principles for ensuring respect for human rights during the trial stage of the criminal proceedings. Considering the importance of the principle of immediacy, the concept of “immediacy” is being analysed in the current article. It is designed as a doctrinal study and structured into two parts. The first part seeks to answer the descriptive question: what is the meaning and scope of the term “immediacy” in criminal proceedings? The second part outlines the limits of the principle of immediacy and the guiding motives used to determine them.

Atslēgvārdi: tiešums, krimināllietas iztiesāšana, tiesības uz taisnīgu tiesu, pamatprincipi, pierādījumi

Keywords: the principle of immediacy, trial of criminal case, right to a fair trial, basic principles, evidence