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Satversmes 105. pantā garantēto tiesību aizsardzības efektivitāte tiesā pirmstiesas kriminālprocesa laikā

Effectiveness of the Protection of Rights Guaranteed in Article 105 of the Constitution in Court During Pre-Trial criminal Proceedings

Gunārs Kūtris, Mg. iur.
Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes Krimināltiesisko zinātņu katedras lektors

Article 105 of the Constitution guarantees the protection of human rights to property. A criminal offence may be directed at the victim’s property and therefore actions must be taken in criminal proceedings to ensure the protection of the victim’s rights. In carrying out this task, the right of the bona fide owner may be infringed. The article analyses the situation, identifies problems and offers solutions to them. The other circle of persons whose rights to property may be limited during criminal proceedings can be the affected owner of the property – the person whose property may be arrested or confiscated. The article offers a proposition aimed at more effective protection of these rights.

Atslēgvārdi: tiesības uz īpašumu, cietušais, labticīgais ieguvējs, aizskartais mantas īpašnieks, trešā persona

Keywords: right to property, victim, bona fide owner, affected owner of the property, third party