| 150-157 | PDF

Divpusēja prasība Latvijas Republikas Civilprocesa likumā

Actio duplex in the Civil Procedure Law of the Republic of Latvia

Ieva Čudina, Mg. iur.
Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes doktorante

The Law of Civil Procedure of the Republic of Latvia contains the right of the plaintiff to bring an action and the right of the defendant to bring a counterclaim. The legal doctrine also distinguishes actio duplex, but the Civil Procedure Law of the Republic of Latvia does not regulate the procedure for submitting and hearing actio duplex. In legal doctrine, actio duplex is regarded as a claim which may be joined by the defendant without a counterclaim. The aim of the study is to examine the scope of actio duplex, its place in the Civil Procedure Law of the Republic of Latvia and find out how the concept of actio duplex harmonizes with the adversarial principle, the dispositive principle and the court’s obligation to respect the limits of the claim.

Atslēgvārdi: civilprocess, prasība, pretprasība, divpusēja prasība, dispozivitātes princips

Keywords: civil procedure, claim, counterclaim, actio duplex, the dispositive principle