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Subordinētās obligācijas – jēdziens un būtība

Subordinated Bonds – Concept and Nature

Pauls Zeņķis, Mg. iur.
Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes Civiltiesisko zinātņu katedras lektors, doktorants

A bond is a debt security, under which its issuer undertakes to repay to the bondholder the principal of the bond and the interest (the coupon) at a specified point in time, that is to be considered as the extinguishing of bonds. Bonds have several types: bonds issued by the public sector, bonds issued by capital companies, publicly available bonds, private bonds, convertible bonds, subordinated bonds, etc. In economic circulation, subordinated bonds are widespread securities. The subordinated obligation in the subordinated bond distinguishes the subordinated bond from other bonds. At the same time, the underlying relationship entails significant risks for the performance of the obligations arising from the bond, which is outweighed by higher profitability of such bonds.

Atslēgvārdi: subordinētas obligācijas, vērtspapīri, pakārtota saistība

Keywords: subordinated bonds, securities, subordinate obligation