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Tiešā prasība apdrošināšanas līgumtiesībās un tās regulējuma pilnveides nepieciešamība Latvijā

Direct Claim in Insurance Contract Law and Necessity for Modernization of Its Regulation in Latvia

Vadims Mantrovs, Dr. iur.
Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes Civiltiesisko zinātņu katedras docents

The present article deals with direct claim in insurance contract law in Latvia in conjuncture with a discussion of necessity for its modernization. At the beginning, the article provides review of direct claim in Latvian legal environment by analysing its aim and character. Furthermore, the article analyses regulation of direct claim in Latvian civil liability insurance law, particularly Article 53 of theLatvian Insurance Contract Law, in conjuncture with existing Latvian court practice by providing insight in the perception of Latvian courts in respect of application of this regulation. Likewise, this discussion is carried out closely with analysis of regulation of direct claim in other European countries, especially other Baltic states. The article proceeds with characterising modernization of Latvian civil liability insurance regulation on direct claim. Particularly, the author of the article argues that direct claim should be envisaged in Latvia at least in compulsory insurance by following the modern approach and an example of other European countries including the Baltic states. The article finishes with the conclusion summarising the discussion reflected in the article and emphasising the legislative proposal to express Article 53 of the Latvian Insurance Contract Law in a new wording envisaging direct claim at least in compulsory insurance cases.

Atslēgvārdi: tiešā prasība, civiltiesiskās atbildības apdrošināšana, cietušais, apdrošinātais, apdrošinātājs

Keywords: direct claim, civil liability insurance, victim, insured, insurer