Mutiskuma principa un interešu izskatīt krimināllietu rakstveida procesā mijiedarbība Kriminālprocesa likumā

Interaction of the Principle of Orality and Interests to Consider a Criminal Case in a Written Proceedings in the Criminal Procedure Law | 178–188 | PDF

Ērika Gribonika, Mg. iur.
Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes doktora studiju programmas “Tiesību zinātne” studente

Atslēgvārdi: mutiskums, atklātums, rakstveida process, krimināllietas iztiesāšana, pamatprincipi, krimināllietas materiālu pieejamība

Keywords: orality, openness, written proceedings, trial of criminal case, basic principles, availability of criminal case materials

The article is designed as a doctrinal, descriptive study, the aim of which is to find out the limits of the guarantees arising from the principle of orality in the Criminal Procedure Law and to analyse the mechanism designed to balance the aforementioned principle and the interests collide with it. The article consists of four parts, the first two outlining the content of the principle of orality and the permissibility of its restriction; in the other two, the national regulation is considered, its compliance with the requirements arising from the principle of orality is assessed.