Īpašā doktrīna un jaunā tiesiskā realitāte

Special Doctrine and the New Legal Reality

https://doi.org/10.22364/iscflul.8.1.08 | 101–113 | PDF

Diāna Apse, Dr. iur.
Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskā fakultāte

Atslēgvārdi: īpašā doktrīna, atsevišķās domas, tiesību zinātne, tiesību avotu doktrīna

Keywords: special doctrine, separate opinion, legal science, doctrine of sources of law

Although legal science (including special doctrine) is a source of subsidiary law, it has a growing role in understanding, applying, creating and further developing the law in order to achieve justice – an independent and divided will for everyone’s rights. Judges use their freedom to express special doctrine very responsibly, even modestly. Authoritative criticism of the special doctrine in legal science can, in some cases, promote, as well as “slow down” the self-sufficiency of the court composition, the efficiency and influence of applying this legal institute. The special doctrine clarifies the rule of law, but, for the time being, outside the question of the pandemic. Legal practitioners can achieve justice through applying particular types of sources of law as specifically as possible, in conjunction with the dimensional aspect of the doctrine of national sources of law.