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Jānis Pleps, Dr. iur.
Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes docents

Tiesību suverenitāte: idejas ietekme uz Latvijas tiesisko sistēmu

Sovereignty of Law: Impact of the Concept on Latvian Legal System

Atslēgvārdi: tiesību suverenitāte, tiesiska valsts, suverenitāte, suverēns, konstitūcija

Key words: sovereignty of law, rule of law, sovereignty, sovereign, constitution

The development of the principles of the rule of law required to harmonize this concept with the concept of sovereignty. For the purpose of solving dualism between sovereign state power and rule of law professor Hugo Krabbe (1857–1936) proposed the concept of the sovereignty of law. Sovereignty of law means that nobody in the democratic state governed by law, even sovereign itself, is not above the law. The law determines the competencies of all constitutional bodies and subordinates them to the principles of rule of law.

The idea of Hugo Krabbe was well recognized and implemented in the Latvian legal system. That strengthened the principle of rule of law as one of the core elements of Latvian constitutional identity and foundation of Latvian legal system. It was recognized in the legal doctrine and in the jurisprudence of the Latvian Senate, that all constitutional bodies are subordinated to the law and no one in the Latvian legal system is outside or above the law.

Brīvības robežu pārskatīšana, dzīvojot apdraudējumu apstākļos. I. Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes 9. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences rakstu krājums = Revisiting the Limits of Freedom While Living Under Threat. I. The first collection of research papers in conjunction with the 9th International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2024. 312 lpp.