Payment of Mandatory Social Insurance Contributions in a Socially Responsible State as a Safeguard for the Inviolability of Human Dignity in Emergency Conditions in a State Governed by the Rule of Law | Pages 21-33 | PDF

Janis Lazdins, Dr. iur., Professor
University of Latvia, Latvia

Keywords: social insurance contributions, human dignity, subsistence minimum, socially responsible state

The article provides an analysis of the impact of economic crises on improving regulation on the state mandatory social insurance in Latvia following the restoration of its independence de facto (1990–1991), as well as of the legal principles and case law related to social insurance. In examining case law, particular attention is paid to such concepts as human dignity, a state governed by the rule of law, and a socially responsible state. The subsistence minimum, which has not been calculated by the State, is recognised as being an unsolved problem, which, effectively, prohibits from discussing the effectiveness of the system of state mandatory social insurance in the area of social security when an insured event occurs.