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Teodors Zvejnieks, “Tieslietu Vēstnesis” un trimdas juristu ieceres Latvijas kā neatkarīgas, demokrātiskas un tiesiskas valsts atjaunošanai

Teodors Zvejnieks, Periodical “Tieslietu Vēstnesis” and Proposals of Exile Lawyers for Restoration of Latvia as an Independent and Democratic State Governed by Law

Dina Gailīte, Mg. iur.
Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes doktorante

Many Latvian lawyers who, fearing Soviet repressions, went into exile to the free world at the end of the Second World War, did not lose hope that Latvia would be freed from Soviet occupation. Some prominent lawyers, mainly judges, in the first decade after the war, while living in various European countries and the United States, discussed the ways in which a democratic system and the rule of law could be restored after Latvia regained its independence. For mutual communication, these lawyers in exile published an internal periodical newsletter.

Atslēgvārdi: Latvijas valsts kontinuitāte okupācijas apstākļos, Latvijas juristi trimdā, tiesiskas valsts atjaunošana pēc okupācijas, juridiskā prese trimdā

Keywords: state continuity of the Republic of Latvia under Soviet occupation, Latvian lawyers in exile, restoration of rule of law after occupation, legal press in exile

Likumdošana un tās rezultāts Latvijā: pagātnes mācības, mūsdienu tendences, problēmas un risinājumi. Latvijas Universitātes 82. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences tiesību zinātnes rakstu krājums = Legislation and Its Outcome in Latvia: Lessons from the Past, Current Trends, Problems and Solutions. Legal Science Proceedings of the 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2024. 396 lpp.