| 409-416 | PDF

Parlamentārā kontrole banku sektorā

Parliamentary Control in Bank Sector

Aleksandrs Kuzņecovs, Mag. iur.
Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes doktorants

Parliamentary control is the topic which has not received an extensive overview in legal literature, and parliament’s scrutiny is mostly understood as a natural prerogative of the parliament without further clarification of its nature, although parliamentary control has wide and complex system of tools and a legal mechanism, which ensures efficiency of the controlling state entities and officials. Moreover, parliamentary control can be implemented not just as a pure political control, bet as a legality control. Scrutiny over the central banks is one of the examples how parliament’s scrutiny can be restricted by external factors, such as legal constraints of European Union law, as well as legality control of the parliament’s scrutiny. The main reason for exploring such a specific topic is to demonstrate the versatility of parliamentary control and the circumstances in which parliament has a wide discretion in application of its scrutiny, and the occasions where such discretion is restrained by the legal formalities and procedures.

Atslēgvārdi: parlaments, parlamentārā kontrole, tiesiskuma kontrole, politiskā kontrole, Latvijas Banka

Keywords: parliament, parliamentary control, legality control, political control, Bank of Latvia