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Pēdējās gribas rīkojumu aprobežojumi
Restrictions of Last Will Instructions
Alise Reide, Mg. iur.
Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes doktorante,
Civiltiesisko zinātņu katedras lektore
According to Article 600 of the Civil Law, the last will instructions may be restricted not only by conditions and terms, but also in other ways, namely, by binding directions, by restrictions on use, as well as by imposing a duty to return to another person that which has been received, or instead to perform some action. The article explores theoretical and practical differences between conditions, terms and restrictions. Even though Article 588 of the Civil Law stipulates that the conditions which restrict the personal rights of the recipients endowed may not be added to the last will instructions, it still allows to bind the recipient with the condition to enter or not to enter into marriage with a particular person. Thus, the article reveals a possible need for amendments.
Atslēgvārdi: aprobežojumi, nosacījumi, testaments, mantojuma līgums
Keywords: conditions, restrictions, testament, inheritance contract