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Latvijas Republikas Satversme – krimināltiesību sistēmas konstitucionālais pamats

Satversme of the Republic of Latvia – the Constitutional Basis of the System of Criminal Law

Uldis Krastiņš, Dr. habil. iur.
Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes Krimināltiesisko zinātņu katedras profesors

The article provides an analysis of the group object in criminal law and its meaning in the formation of the Special Part of the Criminal Law, as well as argumentation of the opinion that the basis of that system – the state, society and human fundamental interests recognized and protected in the Satversme of the Republic of Latvia.

Atslēgvārdi: Latvijas Republikas Satversme, Krimināllikums, interese, grupas objekts, sistēma

<strong">Keywords: Satversme (Constitution) of the Republic of Latvia, Criminal Law, interest, group object, system